what have i done today?
* given about five enemas (i'm pretty good at them because i gave 3 or 4 yesterday. lucky me.)
*ate lunch around 7pm
*discharged a sweet dog with a less than sweet owner (my first truly difficult client. single tear trickling down my cheek....)
*tried to explain to an owner over the phone that i could not tell if their already neurologic dog had neurologic side effects from a medication
*found sweet treats in my freezer. i heart team leggett. they heart my sweet tooth. it's a good situation.
what am i doing now?
*reading about stuff
*sulking at the empty house around me
what will i do tomorrow?
*spend 18million hours in endoscopy
*read stuff
*bask in sweet, sweet ignorance (smiling all the time.)
what will herschel do?1. will he dance the whirling dervish in out west?

2. will he shine in his upcoming star trek movie?
3. will he be able to post a picture of the week?

4. will he be forced to open the emergency box of granola bars?
5. will his luggage be ripped apart to get at the jumper cables inside? (yes. jumper cables...he's all mine ladies, step back.)