
never drinking again

this is sign language for drunk
it also, uncannily, illustrates the way i feel today
bad april.


okay everybody give me.... complex. you. in the front. you just look scared. look away from the camera more.


wow. look at the mucosal thickening in that jejunum.

things i learned in the past two days:
* i still don't like ultrasound
* shooting stars don't mean squat
* badgers don't like seasonal sweaters OR denim shirts w/fancy shoulders
* i can put a mean stack wrap on horses named lulu
* i can function on two hour sessions of sleep/cat naps but it makes me a little grumpy

things i did today. in order:
* took a final
* started watching the up series documentary
* ate some brownies
* woke up
* ate some brownies
* finished part one of seven up
* bored my friends w/this blog (tried to insert some original stick art of my friends here but i'm computer stupid and don't know how)
so instead.............

my favorite seven year old so far: neil from liverpool. he wants to be an astronaut but if he can't be an astronaut he'd like to be a coach driver and take people to the country and sometimes the sea side. he would have a big loudspeaker and would let people know what road they were on.
and. in the grass he likes to play international wrestling
and. he skips. i heart neil.


just agree.

i just saw a shooting star on my way home. i'm pretty sure this means i don't have to study any more.....


rudy poo alert. pull over.

i looked up rudy poo on google images... coincidence? i think not.

this is just a friendly warning to all that see me on a regular basis...... i will be grumpy this week. please do not be fooled if i appear to be smiling and laughing. i am to be considered volatile and dangerous at all times. never ever under any circumstances point at me or take my pencil nub.(treat me like a badger. you don't go messing around with badgers do you?... you are, however, welcome to feed me (eb... oreo cupcakes stat!)

one final down two to go; plus an equine leg casting/bandaging lab tomorrow where i'm sure to be this year's statistic. i just hope it doesn't hurt too bad and let's just keep our fingers crossed that there are no shattered femurs.

ravs trip tally:
80 successful spays/neuters/rabies vaccinations/dewormings (some done exceptionally well as they were done by yours truly of course)
0 bites
1 newly pregnant very nauseous doctor
1 decent night's sleep
9 nursing puppies (sired by a bassett mix named bowser)
2 many cold chihuahuas
1 tapeworm on my thermometer that made me gag (sorry you just read this herschel)
1 pup named pico that only humped cats (also responsible for the gagging mentioned above)
= success

commence napping.


malpractice wha??

i don't know how long this streak will last (yes, two postings constitute a streak) so i'd like to take this opportunity to say that: ultrasonography sucks, i now understand why people think that radiologists have a little extracurricular hallucinogen habit, and that you should never under any circumstances bring your animal to me for a diagnostic ultrasound b/c i will just be taking your money and while i'm okay with that, you probably will not enjoy it.
end rant.

i may very well suck at my future career but i ran 18 -- count em 18 -- miles this morning (thanks cb for the shuffle!) and now i have to walk down stairs backwards.


this doesn't mean anything people.

but just so you know, i expect surpresents for this... good ones. they can be edible/potable/precious gems/etc.