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Happy birthday sugarball.


it's monday.

i was going through our iphoto and there aren't alot of non-paisley pics but i did find these winners so i thought i would share.

yep. herschel.

you do not appreciate the size of these cookies. they cost $3 each. i was okay with that.

dad's hat head


get out and vote fools!

Early morning vote. Check.


no paisley can eat just one...

someone discovered they like cheerios...



netflix junkie.

paisley can't wait for the next episodes of 'the wire'



this is good stuff.


chambers is the new gerber.

i got all ms. suzy homemaker and made:

1. baby food (applesauce) next up...carrots
2. spaghetti. it was good. it put hersch in a coma-- in a good way.
3. rice krispie treats

we'll see how paisley reacts to homemade baby food. these thighs tell me she will probably react just fine...


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Old school paisley.


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Satchel is back at work.


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Happy birthday poppy!


satchel shenanigans.

somebody -- i don't know who -- got into the stickers.
just not sure who that was.


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Working on the fence paisley style.


i never update.

since it has been awhile here's what has been going on lately.

* homeowners! yay us - in approximately 80 years we hope to actually own the house
*i still don't like fruit
*on a similar note, i still reserve the right to eat sweets for breakfast and/or dinner
*paisley got a sunshine report for sitting up all by herself and ringing a bell during music. that is cute in case you were dead inside.
*herschel got dismissed by jimmy carter. ouch.
*lauren came to visit
*fight night: forest beat rampage
*paisley likes elmo

*i discovered that elmo's father is cajun -or at least speaks with a cajun accent. elmo has no hint of a cajun accent - i guess pops didn't think louisiana was a good place to raise an elmo.
*i had mono. i did not get cooties from kissing boys at the skating rink, i probably got it from this
*i was starting to feel better and then i ate at my beloved taco stand. i got food poisoning. i got sad.
*charlie and chrees are both old (chrees is older)
*a deer ate my hibiscus. as a homeowner, i now worry about wildlife eating my flowers. i have flowers that live in things other than pots....and by things i mean 'the ground'
*did i mention that ex-president jimmy carter gave herschel the old cold shoulder. hersch says he is old.

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the birthday of the bonifay blitch

i googled happy birthday chreeses and look who popped up....paisley and big chreeses serious-facing it on the couch. they are both thinking that they are getting older and gee, i wonder if there's anyleft? or maybe paisley is giving uncle chrees a birthday wish of her own.
happy birthday friend!




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Skunk ape sighting.


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i am sparky popchock.