*i start soft tissue surgery tomorrow...

*my favorite neurology patient scooter (that's scooter patooter to you) has a screaming bartonella infection. the levels of bacteria in his blood have even made this guy excited -- which is saying quite a bit. he's been coming around with his little video camera grinning like this is the best thing ever.
*i started running again (which means i have to get up at five flippin thirty in the a.m) and, in true april style (meaning impulsive and getting too excited too early), have signed up for the new atl. marathon. i know.
*my niece is the cutest thing ever.
* i swung by the surgery wards on my way out today to check out tomorrow's appointment schedule... i've got my eye on a 10 o'clock by the name of herschel. i'm going to go ahead and guess that it's a bulldog but i could be wrong.
*my feet are looking pretty bad. i am treating meself to a pedicure. one day. maybe soon.

*i need a haircut. bad.
*i'm sounding pretty attractive right now with the bad feet and the crystal gale hair...
*my parents' new house rocks