brief gloating

man. i am really good at poker even with fits of solo hysterical laughter. i have the power of wee. three times.
in other news:
*i have been up since 2:30 a.m. -- there is nothing on tv
*there is no comfort in knowing that the sewage pouring into your living room from upstairs bathrooms is yours.
*the cats have officially been banished from our bedroom in preparation for wee. pest is extremely unhappy about this. monkey is indifferent as usual.
*she leggett's birthday week has begun
*i think we may have had the most laid back thanksgiving day ever
*today i will try and talk the insurance people into paying for the plumbing - it should be fun.
i am round.
look at me updating over here. i am such a good girl.
it will be in list form:
*my job at the USDA is officially over - my tailbone is appreciative, our bank account feels something is missing
*i have shown my mom how to upload pictures and movies to their blog...i am awaiting visual confirmation of my teachings.
*i just found out that i am getting another niece! it will be hard to top the first one but my big brother and sis-in-law
grow good nieces so i'm pretty sure she will be just as perfect as this one
*i have also just realized the extent of my student loans. this is not nearly as exciting as finding out about a new niece. no, not at all.
*i have been daydreaming about running. i can't wait until i am winded and sore from my first run post baby. it will probably be one mile or less and i will have to walk down stairs backwards as if i have run 22+ miles. it will be glorious.
* i have also been daydreaming about eating roly poly again. i am wondering if i can get them to sponsor wee baby's delivery..i will have access to piles of deli meat....
nurse: do you want to hold your baby?
april: get out of my face lady. but first, give me that ham and cheese on wheat
things i am happily addicted to at the moment:
*lost (we're on season two)
*brownies with cream cheese icing
thing i am joylessly addicted to:
*waking up around the three o'clock hour just to see what's going on in the house. usually everyone is sleeping peacefully. isn't that nice? i like to keep a check on it though, until at least 6:30 am or so. you know, just in case. my friend, tylenol pm, may be coming to visit soon.
herschel update: he found some shorts/herschel man pants. he is excited.

it will be in list form:
things i will miss:
-having a purpose
things i will not miss:
-excel spreadsheets
-the bathroom being upstairs while i am in the basement. that is what you call an unfortunate situation
-the sickly sweet smell of pop-tarts EVERY morning from a creature of habit coworker. i could predict every move... come in, put stuff down, turn computer on, log in, put pop-tarts in toaster, get ice and glass of water, back to computer for less than a minute, come back to claim pop-tarts, eat pop-tarts
-the guy that comes in EVERY day to use the microwave, puts his coffee/tea in, sets the microwave for 1-2 minutes and then walks away for, oh i don't know, at least 20 minutes leaving the microwave to beep every 15 seconds until i roll over and violently jab the off button. i mean really, why do that?
-having a purpose
things i will not miss:
-excel spreadsheets
-the bathroom being upstairs while i am in the basement. that is what you call an unfortunate situation
-the sickly sweet smell of pop-tarts EVERY morning from a creature of habit coworker. i could predict every move... come in, put stuff down, turn computer on, log in, put pop-tarts in toaster, get ice and glass of water, back to computer for less than a minute, come back to claim pop-tarts, eat pop-tarts
-the guy that comes in EVERY day to use the microwave, puts his coffee/tea in, sets the microwave for 1-2 minutes and then walks away for, oh i don't know, at least 20 minutes leaving the microwave to beep every 15 seconds until i roll over and violently jab the off button. i mean really, why do that?
*i have shown my mom how to upload pictures and movies to their blog...i am awaiting visual confirmation of my teachings.
*i just found out that i am getting another niece! it will be hard to top the first one but my big brother and sis-in-law
*i have also just realized the extent of my student loans. this is not nearly as exciting as finding out about a new niece. no, not at all.
*i have been daydreaming about running. i can't wait until i am winded and sore from my first run post baby. it will probably be one mile or less and i will have to walk down stairs backwards as if i have run 22+ miles. it will be glorious.
* i have also been daydreaming about eating roly poly again. i am wondering if i can get them to sponsor wee baby's delivery..i will have access to piles of deli meat....
nurse: do you want to hold your baby?
april: get out of my face lady. but first, give me that ham and cheese on wheat
things i am happily addicted to at the moment:
*lost (we're on season two)
*brownies with cream cheese icing
thing i am joylessly addicted to:
*waking up around the three o'clock hour just to see what's going on in the house. usually everyone is sleeping peacefully. isn't that nice? i like to keep a check on it though, until at least 6:30 am or so. you know, just in case. my friend, tylenol pm, may be coming to visit soon.
herschel update: he found some shorts/herschel man pants. he is excited.
i are awesome.
i have been so preoccupied with gestating that i forgot to gloat about winning poker. i did you know.... win poker.... hard. people got burnt.
here is my scepter.
i will probably win it again next time.
that is all i will write for now. i still have to update wee's blog and i stare at a computer all day as it is.
random something.
look. i have a lot of pez....maybe too many? no. i accept my nerdiness.

here are my favorites: they include gargamel, red hoodie e.t, inspector clouseau, obelix from asterix, jack in the box and, of course, the witch (i named it lauren one day when she was especially sassy to me)

i can't find my roo pez which makes me sad. it looks like this...
here are my favorites: they include gargamel, red hoodie e.t, inspector clouseau, obelix from asterix, jack in the box and, of course, the witch (i named it lauren one day when she was especially sassy to me)
i can't find my roo pez which makes me sad. it looks like this...

as promised.
1. big creese's big old birthday: fun. he is really looking his age which is old.
2. hormones and how they suck -- briefly, because i'm no longer in the throes of their evilness...as much. i'm just going to list a few:
*bigger boobs (but ouch)
*nausea if you haven't eaten
*nausea if you eat
*one of the worst things ever (see below)
*crying in the pantry
*slowed down g.i. tract (read heartburn, burping and infrequent poopage)
*mood swings of course
*and... because of the wee growing within, i will eventually not be able to lay on my back because it will interfere with blood returning to my heart from my legs/pelvic area = edema = probable cankles and varicose veins. joy
3. one of the worst things to ever happen to me: i can't eat sweets. a travesty. sadness. i still refuse fruit.
and some random new stuff:
1. the birthday of nemesis.
velodrome fun... even if steve hill was there... not really racing.
2. the passing of my nausea (mostly)
3. temporary job! hello income. i start tomorrow.
4. wee scan - also tomorrow
5. i have been heckled for not updating and since i don't like to be heckled alone, i would like to point out that lauren hasn't updated in awhile either... you can heckle her here
and where is michelle?
6. big brother graduation. awwwww. what a cutie.

but looky at what i found...... that's a sweet 'stache you got there mr. ffa president!
7. kicking off herschel's birthday week with a braves game tonight
stay tuned to see if i will ever be employed as a veterinarian...

2. hormones and how they suck -- briefly, because i'm no longer in the throes of their evilness...as much. i'm just going to list a few:
*bigger boobs (but ouch)
*nausea if you haven't eaten
*nausea if you eat
*one of the worst things ever (see below)
*crying in the pantry
*slowed down g.i. tract (read heartburn, burping and infrequent poopage)
*mood swings of course
*and... because of the wee growing within, i will eventually not be able to lay on my back because it will interfere with blood returning to my heart from my legs/pelvic area = edema = probable cankles and varicose veins. joy
3. one of the worst things to ever happen to me: i can't eat sweets. a travesty. sadness. i still refuse fruit.
and some random new stuff:
1. the birthday of nemesis.
2. the passing of my nausea (mostly)
3. temporary job! hello income. i start tomorrow.
4. wee scan - also tomorrow
5. i have been heckled for not updating and since i don't like to be heckled alone, i would like to point out that lauren hasn't updated in awhile either... you can heckle her here
and where is michelle?
6. big brother graduation. awwwww. what a cutie.
but looky at what i found...... that's a sweet 'stache you got there mr. ffa president!
7. kicking off herschel's birthday week with a braves game tonight
stay tuned to see if i will ever be employed as a veterinarian...
no job here.
i am awake at 4:30 a.m because:
* there is a cosby show marathon on nick at nite
* this is the best time to pet monkey
* i like waking up to sea sickness at 2:00 a.m
* saltines are better at this hour
* wee baby is out to get me
this is the second night in a row that this is happening. i'm going to go ahead and feel sorry for all those within striking distance if this continues for more than 3-4 days...
here's some updates...
let's start with:
*charlie's big weekend -- where he rode a bike for 118 days into the country side. here's the picture that i never posted.... he did not have the winning hand
but before that:
* pregnant? found out the week after my birthday which of course you remember was april 13th.
commence lying to everyone we know.
* 4/28/07 - poker. the day speculation began that i was up to something b/c i wasn't drinking.
also the day i realized i might be considered a lush as one night of not drinking should not throw up that many red flags.
*interrogated by jon at school

*run from jon while being vague
*5/1/07 - emotional breakdown most likely due to surging hormones. commence hysteric crying with simultaneous laughing. herschel looks scared. i need my mama.
*5/3/07 last day of vet school. EVER. glorious.
note oncology crown, internal medicine star, and calm expression.
*also 5/3/07 - 4 year anniversary of me and the hubs.
also glorious as i could not ask for a better one. my best friend 13 years running... love him!
*also 5/3/07 - senior slideshow. a little sad as i realize i won't see most of these people for a very long time if ever again. also a little sad b/c i can't partake in the free alcohol sitting in front of me.
* 5/4/07 - let the family in on our news.
mass happiness! dad is very quiet (this has not happened in my 30 years or davey's 35 -- mom may have witnessed such an event but she is keeping quiet about it)
*5/5/07 - graduation! hell yes.
the most sober celebration i've ever been a part of. let everybody else in on the news. carrie even sheds a tear
....herschel gets wasted in my honor
(i'm sure it was in my honor) and proceeds to keep me up all night falling asleep while vomiting.
(i don't feel too bad taking this picture b/c it was early on and he was still laughing about it) he feels pretty kerappy the next day when he is conscious.
*5/6/07 - why do i feel hungover?
*5/7/07 - i still feel hungover. very suspicious that the morning sickness is kicking in and making up for lost time.
* also 5/7/07 - first o.b. appointment and the launch of wee baby's very own blog. exciting!
* right now - feeling an unspecified love for saltine crackers. i think they may hold special powers. consider getting a t-shirt to endorse them publicly.
*and of course...
my perfect niece
* there is a cosby show marathon on nick at nite
* this is the best time to pet monkey
* i like waking up to sea sickness at 2:00 a.m
* saltines are better at this hour
* wee baby is out to get me
this is the second night in a row that this is happening. i'm going to go ahead and feel sorry for all those within striking distance if this continues for more than 3-4 days...
here's some updates...
let's start with:
*charlie's big weekend -- where he rode a bike for 118 days into the country side. here's the picture that i never posted.... he did not have the winning hand
but before that:
* pregnant? found out the week after my birthday which of course you remember was april 13th.
* 4/28/07 - poker. the day speculation began that i was up to something b/c i wasn't drinking.
also the day i realized i might be considered a lush as one night of not drinking should not throw up that many red flags.
*interrogated by jon at school
*run from jon while being vague
*5/1/07 - emotional breakdown most likely due to surging hormones. commence hysteric crying with simultaneous laughing. herschel looks scared. i need my mama.
*5/3/07 last day of vet school. EVER. glorious.
*also 5/3/07 - 4 year anniversary of me and the hubs.
*also 5/3/07 - senior slideshow. a little sad as i realize i won't see most of these people for a very long time if ever again. also a little sad b/c i can't partake in the free alcohol sitting in front of me.
* 5/4/07 - let the family in on our news.
*5/5/07 - graduation! hell yes.
the most sober celebration i've ever been a part of. let everybody else in on the news. carrie even sheds a tear
*5/6/07 - why do i feel hungover?
*5/7/07 - i still feel hungover. very suspicious that the morning sickness is kicking in and making up for lost time.
* also 5/7/07 - first o.b. appointment and the launch of wee baby's very own blog. exciting!
* right now - feeling an unspecified love for saltine crackers. i think they may hold special powers. consider getting a t-shirt to endorse them publicly.
*and of course...
return of the rudy pooh.

the irs found a mistake and we got MORE than expected on our tax refund.
when does that ever happen?
today i was so grumpy that i popped all of the balloons in my car. it had to be done anyway but not with the vengeance i did it with. pure rudy pooh over here.
i miss my birthday.
newbie news:

jon won poker. shamelessly took all my monies.
to recap:
things that are older than me:
things that are not older than me:
*team leggett
i kicked off my birthday week with some quality time at the folks' house where i learned that jansen is still the perfect niece that i thought she was. that is one smart cookie.
the flaming lips show where we had to sit in seats but were given laser pointers by spiderman and space ghost. the show rocked as usual.
forked over well earned monies (herschel's) for stupid car tag.
my newly cleaned car was bamboozled by unnamed assailants.
i made the most fabulous bag ever created

i took a nap. because it's hard to be 30.
birthday festivities all for me.
i wake up to find that it is no longer my birthday.
cake in my hair.
i was unable to function until about 10:00 pm on saturday night.
i made the most fabulous bag ever created
i took a nap. because it's hard to be 30.
birthday festivities all for me.
i wake up to find that it is no longer my birthday.
cake in my hair.
i was unable to function until about 10:00 pm on saturday night.
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