1. big creese's big old birthday: fun. he is really looking his age which is old.

2. hormones and how they suck -- briefly, because i'm no longer in the throes of their evilness...as much. i'm just going to list a few:
*bigger boobs (but ouch)
*nausea if you haven't eaten
*nausea if you eat
*one of the worst things ever (see below)
*crying in the pantry
*slowed down g.i. tract (read heartburn, burping and infrequent poopage)
*mood swings of course
*and... because of the wee growing within, i will eventually not be able to lay on my back because it will interfere with blood returning to my heart from my legs/pelvic area = edema = probable cankles and varicose veins. joy
3. one of the worst things to ever happen to me: i can't eat sweets. a travesty. sadness. i still refuse fruit.
and some random new stuff:
1. the birthday of nemesis.

velodrome fun... even if steve hill was there... not really racing.
2. the passing of my nausea (mostly)
3. temporary job! hello income. i start tomorrow.
wee scan - also tomorrow
5. i have been heckled for not updating and since i don't like to be heckled alone, i would like to point out that lauren hasn't updated in awhile either... you can heckle her
hereand where is
6. big brother graduation. awwwww. what a cutie.

but looky at what i found...... that's a sweet 'stache you got there mr. ffa president!
7. kicking off herschel's birthday week with a braves game tonight

stay tuned to see if i will ever be employed as a veterinarian...