things i learned in the past two days:
* i still don't like ultrasound
* shooting stars don't mean squat
* badgers don't like seasonal sweaters OR denim shirts w/fancy shoulders
* i can put a mean stack wrap on horses named lulu
* i can function on two hour sessions of sleep/cat naps but it makes me a little grumpy
things i did today. in order:
* took a final
* started watching the up series documentary
* ate some brownies
* woke up

* ate some brownies
* finished part one of seven up
* bored my friends w/this blog (tried to insert some original stick art of my friends here but i'm computer stupid and don't know how)
so instead.............

my favorite seven year old so far: neil from liverpool. he wants to be an astronaut but if he can't be an astronaut he'd like to be a coach driver and take people to the country and sometimes the sea side. he would have a big loudspeaker and would let people know what road they were on.
and. in the grass he likes to play international wrestling
and. he skips. i heart neil.