this is just a friendly warning to all that see me on a regular basis...... i will be grumpy this week. please do not be fooled if i appear to be smiling and laughing. i am to be considered volatile and dangerous at all times. never ever under any circumstances point at me or take my pencil nub.(treat me like a badger. you don't go messing around with badgers do you?... you are, however, welcome to feed me (eb... oreo cupcakes stat!)
one final down two to go; plus an equine leg casting/bandaging lab tomorrow where i'm sure to be this year's statistic. i just hope it doesn't hurt too bad and let's just keep our fingers crossed that there are no shattered femurs.
ravs trip tally:
80 successful spays/neuters/rabies vaccinations/dewormings (some done exceptionally well as they were done by yours truly of course)
0 bites
1 newly pregnant very nauseous doctor
1 decent night's sleep
9 nursing puppies (sired by a bassett mix named bowser)
2 many cold chihuahuas
1 tapeworm on my thermometer that made me gag (sorry you just read this herschel)
1 pup named pico that only humped cats (also responsible for the gagging mentioned above)
= success
commence napping.
to far.....way to far! you have crossed the line with all of this worm typing crap. as soon aas you are nice and awake you are in time out for 10 minutes! firm .....(nub)
pooh lives!!!!!!!
congrats on a successful ravs trip! and yes, i already know to keep my distance. luckily, i will probably not incur the wrath of Pooh this week (fingers crossed) as i won't see you until the weekend. ouch! i feel the mind-bullets! ...in my spleen! aaaaaaahhhrghhhhg.
sys. adm.:
transmission ended. reason:
burnt or dead.
way to keep up the streak. 3 in a row is mighty good times!
i'll be in my own dark corner in the land of bad attitude - but no crying allowed, as emily will have your @ss.
if there is to be group studying, let me know - i have procured supplies...
p.s. who's pregnant?
if you've already procured supplies then i'm about to be finding a group somewhere that is studying (preferably not THE study group but one that i like)
doc lydia is preggers and was so very miserable the whole weekend. luckily we had a certain "puppy scrub challenged" vet student there to direct us all... or at least attempt to. really he only succeeded in being excruciatingly annoying. i don't know if excruciatingly is a word but it sure was fun to try and spell.
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