the hat at an early age?

weekend recap:
cd swap-a-roo.... check
sears family portrait complete w/ chauncey and popsy... check
upsetting (the alledged )kimber the photographer.....check
seeing kimber the photographer walk out......check
spending way too much time at sears.... check
dinner at team leggett's.... check (thanks she leggett for buying too many porkchops; thanks he leggett for not freezing them individually and for cooking them)
poker....i'd say that's a big fat check.
the hat is victorious (which by anyone's standards would call for a dance of some sort)
the last pizza delivered by papa john's (luckeeeee)
(at some point before sleep, i took satchel out who decided to get yippy and wrap her leash around my legs by running continuous circles around me like a spazz..... so many times that had i been a cartoon character, i would have fallen over.
sunday morning: i amble downstairs to take up my position on the couch. there i am to stay for the rest of the day rising only for necessities (coke, bathroom)
movie night and peking take out w/she and he leggett, chrees, and ebs: saturday the 14th and 11:14 ( really didn't notice yesterday that both movies had 14 in the title. i'm a little freaked out right now b/c i don't know if that means something)
monday: i only had one class which i skipped: what did i do with my day you ask?
watched some crappy movies on tv
did laundry
cleaned the bathtub
ran 10 miles (well 9 anyway.....we'll have to see about this marathon thing)
ate pancakes (i'm really on a pancake kick right now even though they kind of make me sick.... it could be all the syrup i smother them with but whatever)
watched a movie w/ the hubs
sidenote of no interest to anyone: monkey did not like her new canned diet food. she just sat and looked b/wn it and me. she only held out for an hour before she was eating it like nobody's business. i thought that was funny so i shared it.
the girls are slowly taking over the world o blogs (and poker): yay girls.
welcome michelle who i shall call hippersnapper.

isn't it soposed to be the guys who are wrapped up in the girls vs. the boys yet you "girls" are always on tilt gainst us men. why so scared huh. you know you will always lose. men rule....gurls drool!
Monkey is such a monkey! Ah, the girls are victorious. Now we need another to win the final game of the year and take possession of the covetted POPS.
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