75 spays/neuters/vaccinations/dewormings performed
9 animals surrendered (there's something in the water in pine haven, tn)
1 five hour road trip that took 8 hours
1 carsick freshman
18 dollars for 2 six packs of corona
0 number of times i did anesthesia and recovery
1 super cute pupper in the car on the way home
0 tapeworms on my thermometer (that one's for you hersch:)

(unspecified) number of home-made desserts shamelessly consumed by me
= good times. good times.
in other news:
* monkey and pest will not come down from the top of the cabinets. i guess they're scared of 8 pounds o cuteness.
* blogger has officially met it's erin quota
* i have yet to make my cd but you may as well go ahead and write a poem about it b/c it will be pure bliss my friends.
*dark chocolate m&ms taste just like the regular ones
* i now have a walgreen's truck pez dispenser. who knew?
* but i really want a mr. bean one

*there are a little over 3 weeks left before the memphis marathon and i've been running twice in two weeks... we'll see how that goes
* i heart satchel.
corona is fine, but where was the champipple?
boo hiss on the pine haven folks (and what's up with all the pine on these trips?), but i can't wait to meet the new addition!
The hat is just checking in. I love Mr.bean...used to wait on a man that looked just like him in SC. We nicknamed him that, then he heard it. Hurt his feelings. Poor Mr. Bean, but we made up. He was 46 and still lived with his mother. Sometimes, late at night in SC, I still see him walking (he didn't own a car). Can't wait to see Satchel!
I want to come over and see Satchel if Herschel can stomach my ankle.
and I quote "(unspecified) number of home-made desserts shamelessly consumed by me" was said about the same weekend that ebs made cookies for the twinny twin club so yeah chris and I eat the last of the cookies! f= five and the flying snake was on tv. I don't know if I could handle it in real life.
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