well in true chambers style we are kicking the season off right.
yesterday we got our tree (ach! ich liebe dich, mein tannenbaum!) hit a deer on the way home, decorated it while i told hersch how i saw a puppy die at the emergency clinic after biting into an electrical cord, and watched a rob zombie movie that had that manson family in the desert kind of feeling. so happy holidays everybody!
in other news:
* i ordered a swell iliotibial band

bedazzled or no, i'm putting all my hopes in this stupid piece of fabric to get me running again.
* only the scavma president/janitor/doctor/sir ran the memphis marathon and set a personal record. yay presidente.
* i like penguins.
* satchel has not peed in the house

* i worked at the emergency clinic last saturday for the first time in about three years. hello income that i don't have to pay back with interest for the rest of my life.
* i still hate school but i get to do a skin graft tomorrow. pretty excited about that.
* i can make homemade ravioli.
* i can counteract six (sometimes eight) whopping pounds of downward motion with my strapping biceps. so i won't tolerate no sass, shenanigans, or tomfoolery. be ye warned.
...what about skulduggery or chicanery....surely monkey business!...rascality??....a heaping pile of bedevilment....high-jinks? ....ok, ok, waggishness? what about espieglerie? rollicking horseplay? are you still reading this? hanky-panky-hocus-pocus-razzle-dazzle?!? c'mon, there must be something that you tolerate.
btw, Satchel looks happy.
Hola! Como esta ustedes? Beso mi cuella.
¿cuál es cuella? no suena agradable.
there is some serious sass coming from your blog today. i want some ravioli and oh yes i still like marshallow cream and rice pudding in a bucket. just haven't had it in a while. i did have some rice pudding in a cup though a couple months ago! Satchel is so cute. i like the nose. kinda reminds me a mini jubilee!
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