i just recieved word that my folks are coming up this weekend. the plan? taking the cutest kid ever (see previous posts) to hotatlanta for some crazy panda action.
secret april plan...to teach jansen to say "herschel who?", "april is my favorite" and "daddy, i want a pony" -- a little sister's work is never done.
in other news: there's an apb out on eb.
she was last spotted in the vicinity of the vet school library. she is to be considered armed with knowledge and dangerous to approach.

please do not attempt to wrangle this rudy poo on your own. repeat. armed and dangerous. will scowl if provoked. please exercise extreme caution and call the crab trap if you see this person.
all content on website not necessarily the opinions of the author. please don't be mad at the author. the author is your friend and you do not want to hurt her. ]
i like your crabs...
you should also teach them to say "mommy don't hit me"
thats always a winner in public
If you find out where my sister is hiding, tell her she owes some calls to the Left Coast.
Posse out.
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