i'd like to take this moment and thank my friend, my mucociliary escalator. mucociliary escalator, without you there would be bacteria partay-ing down in my lower airways. you've gotten me through some tough times and i promise to try and keep you well hydrated from this day forward.
in other news:
* thanks to everybody for my get well wishes (and to eb and team leggett for my ice cream fix)
* thanks to e.kile for egypt in a box (and peanut butter cookies.....trying to save some for chrees but it's getting difficult)
* i woke up this morning feeling pretty good, got my little self together and took off for my last lecture ever... to find that it had been cancelled. so, my last lecture ever was monday. yay.
* yesterday, i had the joy of necropsying a fetal puppy that had schistosomus reflexus....that's fancy talk for "internal organs outside the body". and it was missing it's right front leg but it did have a scapula.