
marsha marsha marsha.

You Are Jan Brady

Brainy and a little introverted, you tend to think life is a lot worse than it actually is.
And while you may think you're a little goofy looking, most people consider you to be a major babe.

my sleep schedule is kaput. i'm a little wired right now but i'm sure large animal surgery is going to fix that.

coming home soon people. prepare for my arrival. i shall need cookies, beer, carrots and hummus and fellowship (or a hamburger or something).

renauld has recently decided to undergo some plastic surgery. he watched remo williams and felt inspired.

patients that i can remember right now:
*wayne -- stray, fractured radius/ulna, a bonafide skin scrape bonanza
*katie - boxer. had her first litter last week, bleeding from the mouth, collapsed -- nasty bleeding ulcer in her mouth, heart is fine (shocking)
*maddie -- rottie -- submandibular edema that has spread down her front legs, lethargy, coughing, v/d -- lymphoma/tick borne disease?
*tinkerbell - long haired chihuahua (i'll admit that she's cute) v/d
*la la - parvo pit puppy
*mrs. lady -- parvo puppy- wire haired terrier. think snatchel cute
---our isolation is in the running for cutest isolation patients of the year---
*roxie - v/d/lethargy/possibly addisonian
*spanky -- IVDD dachsund
*jake - IMTP -- actually turned out to be malignant hepatic histiocytoma. bad stuff.
*niki - aspiration pneumonia or traumatic swelling of the glottis or both
*princess- CHF, big time respiratory distress
*tucker - back
*lucy - greyhound with a fibrocartilagenous embolism
*machka - pulmonary edema, possibly HCM (her sedation for a cardiology consult made her evil. and hungry)

i'm going to try and make myself go to sleep now.


it is officially april 11th.

this painting is entitled "ebs on vacation". i've never seen eb on vacation so i can't comment on the authenticity or accurateness.

happy birthday ebs. hope you have a good one and that you have not grown facial hair in my absence.

coming soon...
* patient updates
* renauld's website
* current mental status
* and more!


ain't no sunshine...

okay so i'm a little popo that the hubs is gone. whatever.
at least i've got work to keep me busy....

patients that i can remember:
goldie- euthanasia gone very very wrong
mrs. flanagan - swollen paw from a too tight bandage
coco -- congestive heart failure
abigail -- acute renal failure
reese -- idiopathic epilepsy
jake -- yikes. platelet count of 1000, might be tick borne
samson -- coughing
lou lou -- dystocia
runner -- intravascular hemolysis and anemia
boomer -- back again. see previous post
daniel -- cushing's?
pokey -- pericardial effusion
drummer -- right atrial mass and pericardial effusion
zollo - pulmonic stenosis, patent foramen ovale, massive pericardial and pleural effusion
killian -- a knight (in full armor) stepped on her paw -- i couldn't have even made that up

i'm missing some but i can't think of them right now. i just woke up for the love of god.
i've been told that i should update on the patients so i'll try and do that next week b/c it's just not happening right now. (be warned that many of my patients were euthanized. so many, in fact, that i told the one of the doctors that i wasn't working with her any more)

when i woke up this morning my eyes were all puffy and felt swollen shut. now that's some hard sleeping.... hopefully my brain will wake up soon

the roomies (there's a new guy. raphael. austrian? ) went to the coast. jealous

i just checked on renauld. he's been hanging out on the porch since yesterday. he's hoping the sun comes around soon b/c it was a little chilly last night. he's a very sassy little plant. i think he would complain a lot if he could and i think this is what renauld probably looks like in the plant world.



things i wish:
*that uga had digital radiography b/c it is freaking great
*that i could get a link on cb's hub's site. what does it take for the love of god? is it not enough *that i'm the wifer of his doppelganger? sheesh.
*that people wouldn't feed their animals raw diets
*that it wasn't daylight savings time yesterday b/c i could've used that extra hour of sleep
*that my feet didn't have a funk emanating from them.
*that other people would post besides me, herschel and team leggett. are you intimidated by our fabulousness? it's okay, we don't judge.

**i can pick out lots of stuff on ultrasound now. by my standards that makes me pretty great.

cody - aspiration pneumonia -- euthanized
murray -- attacked by 3 dogs
sparkles - rimadyl overdose
thelma -- heart myxoma
cannibal -- probably liver cancer that has spread throughout the abdomen
little guy - pancreatitis
copper-- projectile! bloody diarrhea
sylvester -- still hasn't woken up from anesthesia after a day
charlie -- down in the rear
hershey - don't even get me started
barley -- aspiration pneumonia
roscoe the yorkie -- hives
roscoe the pit-- parvo
bear -- serious bad heartworm disease
czar - kennel cough (yes. some people think that's an emergency and are willing to pay for it)
boomer -- hypochondriac for an owner
ebenezer-- owners FED him a pork chop bone -- a huge chunk o change later and i'll bet they won't do that again
fergie the fat dachsund - mucometra

i give... can't remember....must sleep... now...