*that uga had digital radiography b/c it is freaking great
*that i could get a link on cb's hub's site. what does it take for the love of god? is it not enough *that i'm the wifer of his doppelganger? sheesh.
*that people wouldn't feed their animals raw diets
*that it wasn't daylight savings time yesterday b/c i could've used that extra hour of sleep
*that my feet didn't have a funk emanating from them.
*that other people would post besides me, herschel and team leggett. are you intimidated by our fabulousness? it's okay, we don't judge.

**i can pick out lots of stuff on ultrasound now. by my standards that makes me pretty great.
cody - aspiration pneumonia -- euthanized
murray -- attacked by 3 dogs
sparkles - rimadyl overdose
thelma -- heart myxoma
cannibal -- probably liver cancer that has spread throughout the abdomen
little guy - pancreatitis
copper-- projectile! bloody diarrhea
sylvester -- still hasn't woken up from anesthesia after a day
charlie -- down in the rear
hershey - don't even get me started
barley -- aspiration pneumonia
roscoe the yorkie -- hives
roscoe the pit-- parvo
bear -- serious bad heartworm disease
czar - kennel cough (yes. some people think that's an emergency and are willing to pay for it)
boomer -- hypochondriac for an owner
ebenezer-- owners FED him a pork chop bone -- a huge chunk o change later and i'll bet they won't do that again
fergie the fat dachsund - mucometra
i give... can't remember....must sleep... now...
Team Leggett is missin ya here in A-town. I am looking forward to spending time with your kids. Hope you and Herschel have fun this week.
Chicken arm makes me laugh when I see it
I'll try and remedy the situation...whenever I see my Hubs again, maybe Wednesday, but probably not until next Monday.
Holla from the UGA large animal lecture room with computer!
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