potentially used 6 times
happy plastic.

setting: atlanta
time: any time within the last 13 years
me - in the passenger seat giddy with the thought of stopping at the container store. finally! staring longingly out of the car window at the well lit storefront as it whizzes by. sigh.... disappointment.
herschel - in the driver's seat sweating profusely at the thought of having to spend time (lots of it) and money (more than a little) in a store with nothing but boxes. looking at the other side of road avoiding the bright lights of the storefront. sigh...relief
today i will buy a randomly sized container and i will put stuff in it. it will be glorious.
i have been thinking about what my days will be like in mexico. here's what i have so far.
morningish... wake up, consider running but don't, walk to the hammock on the balcony, commence laying, trip to the liquor dispenser in our room, back to the hammock.
eat something, trip to liquor dispenser, walk outside to the beach, lay, get in the pool, swim to the bar, loiter, lay on the beach, have hotel refill liquor dispenser in room, nap
and that's all i have so far. i'm probably going to try and get a little more hammock time in there somewhere.
it's a new flippin year.

well. my theory was that i wasn't posting enough to get the esteemed beta blogger but when i signed on to begin my posting extravaganza - my plan was to update more daily-ish -, i already had it. so. theory busted. i wonder if nemesis has it yet?
i will now update on the life of me:
*i pulled my tookus/caboose-- insert word of choice here -- yesterday. it's not funny. it's also no fun. i am resting it. it is getting better
*i think sewing machines are stupid - especially "bobbins". they are my new found enemy and i won't rest until they are obsolete. i was trying to "sew" but that machine is too complicated for me. sure, it looks simple but, that bobbin just sits there and mocks you. it's unnecessary.

*i ingest way too much sugar. this combined with the aforementioned rear-end will do me in.
*i'm on community practice right now which is a nice change of pace since just about all of the patients are actually healthy. i play with puppies and kittens all day. poor me. it's not all fun and games though as i nearly had my eye taken out today by the skillful talons of cooper the 4 month old black lab who played himself into a frenzy. it can get pretty hairy down at the cpc (that's community practice clinic for those in-the-know)
*i just read this back over and have decided that at some point in my life i started putting whatever punctuation marks wherever. this, combined with my dislike of capital letters, could lead down a dark road. next thing you know, i'm skipping every third word and not typing in silent letters.
...maybe i will post again tomorrow
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