
an anniversary trip to muxico.

since there are no computers in the underground living lake/sea of tennessee i would like to go ahead and give a couple of yip yips for dec. 21st.

first. congratulations to my folks for 36 years o marriage. for those of you who don't know team womack, a little history:
*dad first saw mom when mom went awol from the babysitter and walked to school under the pretense of telling her big sister that the babysitter wanted her. fast forward... mom got a good switching, big sister was embarrassed that little sister came to her classroom door, and dad caught his first glimpse of perfection
*dad and butch (mom's brother) best of friends -- interesting how that got him closer to mom huh?
*dad taught mom how to drive
*dad went to vietnam for a year
*mom's folks moved her from georgia to texas while he was gone (they weren't big fans)
*dad says you're going to have to do more than that.
*dad goes awol from the army every chance he can (he was in colorado then) to go see mom on the weekends -- and so never makes it past the rank of "private" b/c he keeps getting in trouble
*married december 21, 1969 in mineral wells, texas (grandad tells mom right before going down the aisle that it's not too late to get out of there)
*mom doesn't listen. yay.

that's a choppy history...
anyway. i can't think of two people more suited for one another. they're best friends after all these years and still making it look easy.
i love you guys and happy 36 (for the twenty oneth time)

and another thing.......about dec. 21st

happy 33rd to the hat! i hope you and the deuce will enjoy your mac and cheese and day of relaxation.
you should probably post something about it... i mean it's been awile you know :)

oh and..... about today
happy birthday brent! hope you have a good one for your present i shall get you a keyboard with which to type things and post them to your abandoned blog. and some beano for LB


go away snatchel.

what a great weekend! elephants, pandas, kimodo dragons, tamarins and a monkey in a blue jacket.
the dogs pretty much passed out yesterday, monkey can't get enough laying on human action, and pest is slightly less pissed off.... all in all, i'd say a successful weekend.

some thoughts:
- if only i had thought of *woopsie* first. herschel strikes again!
- astro can be a real brat.
- small children are taking everything in for the first time and one of the things that they enjoy most is a little nose picking (with fingers AND toes).
- mittens. yes.
- cheetos help most situations.
- it is more fun to say aaaaapples and aaaairplanes than apples and airplanes.
- if i were a starfish............................i'd still be lazy.........

hope everyone has recovered from the drink and dance powerhour (especially those have to outdo others by taking bigger shots.... showoff!) it is officially winter break and i couldn't be happier
tomorrow... hello underground sea! it's vacation time

and that's all i've got.


the womacks are coming! the womacks are coming!

i just recieved word that my folks are coming up this weekend. the plan? taking the cutest kid ever (see previous posts) to hotatlanta for some crazy panda action.

secret april plan...to teach jansen to say "herschel who?", "april is my favorite" and "daddy, i want a pony" -- a little sister's work is never done.

in other news: there's an apb out on eb.

she was last spotted in the vicinity of the vet school library. she is to be considered armed with knowledge and dangerous to approach.

please do not attempt to wrangle this rudy poo on your own. repeat. armed and dangerous. will scowl if provoked. please exercise extreme caution and call the crab trap if you see this person.

[all content on website not necessarily the opinions of the author. please don't be mad at the author. the author is your friend and you do not want to hurt her. ]


poor poor pupper feet.

not only has satchel peed in the house today...she did it twice. i guess she just saves it up for a day of craziness. but not on the floor mind you. oh no. on the bed AND the couch. sweet dog. didn't want us to step in it.

brief weekend update:
*poker time. champ... me.

*another video of the hat... no dancing this time...it's so much more than that

*atlanta aquarium... official member

*one aquarium induced hole in a leggett's sock... check

*the vortex....best cheeseburger ever + popsy's public appearance

*astro's sporting a spiffy red boot on her back leg. she has an e-collar for fancy occasions. she's not fond of either and would rather chew and lick freely at her oozy little paw

*not studying in preparation for next week's finals....successful.


let's talk about me.

i am popsy champion! (soft music of queen playing in the background; wide sweeping camera motion closes in on me; arms upraised in *victorious* stance; inspirational feelings swell; one lone tear trickles down my cheek; queen fades into eye of the tiger; i set off to conquer the world - or at least the new aquarium in atlanta.)
dirty herb put his fancy pants on for my victory partay.


i want a baby goat.

well in true chambers style we are kicking the season off right.
yesterday we got our tree (ach! ich liebe dich, mein tannenbaum!) hit a deer on the way home, decorated it while i told hersch how i saw a puppy die at the emergency clinic after biting into an electrical cord, and watched a rob zombie movie that had that manson family in the desert kind of feeling. so happy holidays everybody!

in other news:
* i ordered a swell iliotibial band today off the internet. it's really orthopedic looking so i may have to bedazzle it... i can't decide b/wn the deluxe rhinestone package or the super stud package. i mean with the rhinestone pack i can save over FOUR dollars. that's hard to turn down.
bedazzled or no, i'm putting all my hopes in this stupid piece of fabric to get me running again.

* only the scavma president/janitor/doctor/sir ran the memphis marathon and set a personal record. yay presidente.

* i like penguins.
* satchel has not peed in the house in at least 3 days but still doesn't know her name that well and pretty much does what she wants (which, apparently, is to not pee in the house for at least 3 days) way to go satchel!

* i worked at the emergency clinic last saturday for the first time in about three years. hello income that i don't have to pay back with interest for the rest of my life.

* i still hate school but i get to do a skin graft tomorrow. pretty excited about that.

* i can make homemade ravioli.

* i can counteract six (sometimes eight) whopping pounds of downward motion with my strapping biceps. so i won't tolerate no sass, shenanigans, or tomfoolery. be ye warned.


it's a birthday wish people.

happy day o birth to my favorite big brother. thank you for not maiming or disfiguring me as a child and i'm sorry i ran over you with the go-cart after i slung you out of it.

oh and sorry i'm soooo much younger than you
but at least you're younger than this guy so that's something.

love you! old timer. (davey. not this guy although i'm sure he's perfectly nice)



just a word of caution that dirty herb has, i think, figured out how to post video to his blog. i feel it to be my wifely duties to let you know that you should proceed with caution from this point on...


r.i.p honky

i'm sad to report that you will no longer be able to jump from this well written, fun to read, damn near perfect page of inspiration to my good friend lance's page where the last time he posted was in the long long ago.
can't tolerate no lazy bones here!
-cept mine.

so, lance you have been de-linked! (for now)
