congrats to mopemaster who graduated from culinary school on saturday. i cleverly add *the chef* to your list o' names.
i hope that you get the tall stiff hat instead of the poofy floppy one but i will take food from you no matter what... especially food of the waffle variety.
please note that this is not erin.......but can be considered an example of a fancy teapot.
in other news:
*i didn't win crap from the hill's partay.
*i have officially broken my drinking dry spell (i'm no match for free jack and coke at tasty world) but am still hanging on to my dignity.
*i was accosted by girl dancers in a garage in kennesaw.
*molson canadian is not a good beer.
*saturday morning is not the time to hit the atlanta aquarium but i did see the worst case of fake hair ever (dolly parton style)
*satchel pooped out the ear plug.
craziest random phone call of the week:
herschel's mom called to see if we were interested in giving satchel away
satchel is a crazy dog. thanks for the shout out pooh
Please don't give snatchel away!! I would be sad.
i have also suggested that you give satchel away....to me. you should bring her to the party - satchel IS love.
We'd take Satchel half the year. No diggity.
this giving of satch is mute and the yappy dog will never leave the chambers casa, until she blows sumting up. firm
so Tiny Dancer has softened your heart, eh? you were almost singing a different tune after she arrived. cuteness is affective!
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