
updates with professor tweener:

the elusive professor tweener.

* satchel has eaten an earplug. yes, earplug. swallowed it whole, she did. stupid, she is.
* i made a massive pot of chili but got none. sigh . but i did get this nifty cupcake dog from the hubs for my efforts. :)

* my shift last night at the emergency clinic was uneventful. i spent most of my time breaking the printer (for which i got PAID. love america.)

* incoming news bulletin.... satchel just pooped under the coffee table. she's getting creative.

* i've got to go to a class party tonight to pick up all the prizes that i'm sure to win. i'm probably going to win a trip, an ipod and some board review stuff but i won't forget my roots so don't worry.

happy weekend everybody.

1 comment:

the hat said...

I sure have missed Professor Tweener. It is good to see him again.