the equine world is a world all to it's own, complete with it's own language and, though i haven't seen anyone flying it, i'm pretty sure they have their own flag.
my favorite radiographic view is the flexor tangential aka the palmaro/plantaroproximal- palmaro/plantarodistal oblique used to look for degenerative changes in the navicular bone.
what kind of changes you ask? why that would require assessing the synovial invaginations (seeing if there are "lollipops")and looking for medullary sclerosis and enthesophytes.
i mean honestly. i could be sleeping right now. and lollipops? come on.
all you need is a good imagination to be a radiologist.
the equine world is a world all to it's own, it even has it's own language and, though i haven't seen anyone flying it, i'm pretty sure they have their own flag.
fun fact of the day:
43 down in one of this week's crossword puzzles in the red and black (thank you, crappy student newspaper for giving me something to do during class) was "herschel's planet"
answer: uranus.
animal updates:
* astro is doing super but is a little grumpy after her dental/ear scoping. she had a nasty ear and has a perforated eardrum but she's got clean chompers.
* thanks for all the offers with snatchel but she's going nowhere. those ear nibbles are staying in the family.
* monkey: still tubby.
* pest: very much still one.
ha!! are there klinons on uranus, or is did herschel have corn....
i think that is supposed to be funny b/c ...
good luck at the dentist...it sucks
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