who rocks? erin kile does!
there's nothing better than a box of sweets...
ongoing patient roster:
*britches -- hbb (hit by boat. no lie) pneumothorax
*meka -- pyometra (11 yr old husky. the rdvm told the vet he wanted her to lose 10 pounds before he would spay her. instead she gained 10 pounds in pus -- okay slight exaggeration)
*oliver? meningitis
*bubster -- fat cat-- but don't remember what happened. i think vomiting and good old diarrhea but it's my favorite name so far.
*willis -- spinal fracture with complete cord transection -- euthanized? nope.

i got to do a nasal oxygen tube and thoracocentesis ( or chest tap but thoracocentesis sounds fancier and it's my first one so i'm feeling fancy) on 'hit by boat britches'.
i did good.
i was trying to find a neat-o picture for the occasion but instead i found a way to learn my multiplication tables....
i bought some microwave popcorn but there's no microwave. i knew that too.
i went running at umstead park today. it was pretty and i'm still out of shape. it's okay because i'm still pretty damn fabulous.
only comment I gots is that I miss ya big time and love ya hardcore! nubbykins
hey pooh,
all that dog sickness scares me. keep it in north carolina!
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