*first. this picture makes me happy.............
*second. meet leonard: he's a fun loving basset that enjoys scratches, scratching and vocalizing like no other. he's not ashamed of his helmet/bandage or his shave job and he likes to tell you about it. loudly.

*and this is sam (aka my lovebug) who had a history of intermittent coughing for, oh, 3-5 years or so. his entire right lung was collapsed. we took it out but we have no idea why it was that way.

*am losing the find it game.
*cut all my hair off
*am on a soy nut kick. can't get enough.
*am also enjoying the eggs. can't help it
*require more fat pants/movie watching days
*have 51 days until boards
*love running again
*love running with my nano
*am still fabulous despite not having posted in a long time
*am excited about me-hi-co
*will win poker this weekend
*am mentally done with cutting up dead things
*am not physically done until friday. there's a difference
*am going to go learn about parasites now
*am really going to go to sleep now

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