i have a lot of kerap to do right now but it only makes want to do something else. i have been a decluttering fool for the past couple of days and have been doing everything except that which i need to do which includes:
*finishing my extended case write up for necropsy
*doing an extended case write up for emergency (it's only 3-4 weeks overdue)
*deciding once and for all whether or not i want to do an internship and - if i do- getting all that mess together before december 5th (all that mess being filling out the application, getting letters of recommendation, writing a cv, and deciding where i could uproot our happy little family to for at least a year) -- this is the big one in case you couldn't tell.
*finishing my project for my clin path clerkship which is due in two days and will be put online for all the world to enjoy
oh and...
*study for boards
i have been working on all but have finished nada. i suck. however, i have made my firefox browser so april-friendly.
i can't wait for muxico.
i would like one of these but i don't know what they are for. All of those little words underneath the picture would probably tell me but it can't possibly live up to my imagination so i choose to ignore them. stupid words.
if you do ever get one of *those* (and then borrow Herschel's guitar) i would like to be the 2nd -- 'cause ya know Herschel'll be the 1st -- to experience some April-noise. maybe you could use the effect on your WILDCAT!
i like whining instead of doing. let's go get a beer and you can whine all you want. at least you will be able to talk back unlike the furry things i have been talking with lately.
i'm all about some afternoon beers....next week. i'm ravsing it this weekend and i've got kerap due tomorrow. yay me.
the world is not ready for the WILDCAT.. (insert april sound effect here)
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