there's a lot of recapping to do so here goes: (in no particular order)
ravs recap:
*i heart ravs trips. they're exhausting but so rewarding :)
*the best accomodations ever (casa bainbridge chambers) -- big bed and being in/stepping out of the shower care free-- no bug/weird stain/mold checks/flip flops necessary)
*one fatality (not very common for you non ravs folks) -- bleeding from the retroperitoneal space
*actually knew some of the local volunteers -- (fifth grade teacher, brother's ex-girlfriend, wedding guest) = kind of weird
*some of the most ghetto people ever -- making me proclaim my pride for my hometown (7 people living in a busted/flooded single wide trailer with about 17 animals -- all in bad enough condition that they weren't candidates for surgery. by ravs standards that is pretty bad)
*~90 spays/neuters (14 hours on saturday/9 hours on sunday = tired april)
*the last thing i see before leaving bainbridge -- a pregnant dog crossing the highway. damn.
random recaps/stuff: (i know there's more but my brain is pretty much full at the moment)
*my dental work is done -- our bank account is sad :(
*i am in the process of becoming a master anal gland expresser
*i remember nothing that i've learned in the past 3 years
*i don't mind wearing grown up clothes as long as i can wear baggy-ish cords at least once a week... which i can
*satchel has diarrhea of unknown origin. poor satchel. poor herschel for getting up 3 times last night and slipping in it. poor both of us for cleaning it up all the time. but mostly poor satchel
*i hate looking for green polos more than i will hate wearing them
*clostridia look like wee tennis rackets under a microscope
*i don't eat right
*ever since i've started working, i appreciate beer more
*on my second day of work, i accompanied a distressed dog to uga who proceeded to crash on me in the backseat and die. it was a bad second day. (r.i.p sir drake)
*i'm pretty sure i'm going to win poker (again) on saturday
*while private practice has never appealed to me, i'm learning to appreciate it.
*i've eaten a lot of swiss cheese in the past 3 days
*my new favorite breed of dog is the golden doodle (golden retriever/standard poodle mix).
*i'm very pale and pasty. this girl needs some sunlight.

*i looked for otodectes all day today

but i got nothing...
*i'm sending happy thoughts to emily who said good-bye to daisy on march 1st :(