
madeleines and tuiles and parcels oh my!

who rocks? erin kile does!
there's nothing better than a box of sweets...

ongoing patient roster:
*britches -- hbb (hit by boat. no lie) pneumothorax
*meka -- pyometra (11 yr old husky. the rdvm told the vet he wanted her to lose 10 pounds before he would spay her. instead she gained 10 pounds in pus -- okay slight exaggeration)
*oliver? meningitis
*bubster -- fat cat-- but don't remember what happened. i think vomiting and good old diarrhea but it's my favorite name so far.
*willis -- spinal fracture with complete cord transection -- euthanized? nope.

i got to do a nasal oxygen tube and thoracocentesis ( or chest tap but thoracocentesis sounds fancier and it's my first one so i'm feeling fancy) on 'hit by boat britches'.
i did good.

i was trying to find a neat-o picture for the occasion but instead i found a way to learn my multiplication tables....

i bought some microwave popcorn but there's no microwave. i knew that too.

i went running at umstead park today. it was pretty and i'm still out of shape. it's okay because i'm still pretty damn fabulous.


greetings, suckas, from the land of north carolina

i finally met the girl who's house i've been staying at for the past 4 days. she has a super cute pupper named nugget.

what have i learned in the past five days? that's an excellent question.
* i lose things. easily. the first day i lost a pen, my calculator and my stethoscope. while i'm not too worried about the first two, the latter has me severely stressed out and i've kind of become obsessed with finding it. i scare april.
* i miss herschel
* high point, nc has a ginormous chest of drawers with a couple of socks hanging out of it. it's as big as house
* i seriously can't remember things i've learned in the past 3 years.
* i like raleigh.
* i am out of shape. i've been running twice since i got here and my ego deflated.
* nc state's vet school seems nicer than uga's and they are getting a new one in the next 5 years. we are getting a new one in the next century...maybe
* i miss herschel
* i have rediscovered that a bagel with honey peanut butter makes a decent meal when you need it to.
* i was told that i am the emergency magnet
* when i first got here, i was told that i was the only student on emergency but then one other student showed up. that's something i guess.
* still missing herschel
* your dad will make fun of you. that's his job sometimes

here's some names of patients i've seen this week: this is probably more for my benefit than yours so that i can try and remember what i've seen but it's my blog so i'll do what i want and you can skip it if you want. suckas ( i don't know why i'm saying sucka so much, i just am. deal)
puddy - hepatic lipidosis
bebe - gastric ulcers
rascal - can't remember
muffin - probably a brain tumor
ayla - infectious hepatitis
snoopy - acute renal failure
molly - lymphoma
zac - encephalitis and meningitis

big fat grey cat that got advantix instead of advantage ( shaky twitchy fat cat is how i knew him)
and i'm having trouble remembering now so i'm going to go learn some things.


productive little me.

it's 8:13 (that's a.m my people) and what have i accomplished?

* i am up
* i am dressed
* i have taken the puppers out/fed the cats
* removed a tick. ewwww. (from astro)
* balanced the checkbook
* gone on location and submitted my photo answer proof for dh's pic o the week (that's extry points fer me)
* waiting patiently for the bank to open... which brings us to this wonderful posting

*today is my last day o' work -- there's going to be cake and bagels--- and tonight is the of montreal show. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

* i hate parking services. last week i removed myself from the alternative transportation program (you ride a bike they give you a few free passes for the parking deck ) and signed up to be on the waiting list for a regular pass. when i signed up, i was #16. now, i am #20. for the love of god can't a senior vet/graduate student get a little priority in the lot across from where they work? sheesh. i mean, i may have to get the bike back out.

* my scrubs shrank. this is not good for my self esteem.

* i WILL start running again next week. i swear it.

goodbye lovelies.


and then...

there's a lot of recapping to do so here goes: (in no particular order)

ravs recap:
*i heart ravs trips. they're exhausting but so rewarding :)
*the best accomodations ever (casa bainbridge chambers) -- big bed and being in/stepping out of the shower care free-- no bug/weird stain/mold checks/flip flops necessary)
*one fatality (not very common for you non ravs folks) -- bleeding from the retroperitoneal space
*actually knew some of the local volunteers -- (fifth grade teacher, brother's ex-girlfriend, wedding guest) = kind of weird
*some of the most ghetto people ever -- making me proclaim my pride for my hometown (7 people living in a busted/flooded single wide trailer with about 17 animals -- all in bad enough condition that they weren't candidates for surgery. by ravs standards that is pretty bad)
*~90 spays/neuters (14 hours on saturday/9 hours on sunday = tired april)
*the last thing i see before leaving bainbridge -- a pregnant dog crossing the highway. damn.

random recaps/stuff: (i know there's more but my brain is pretty much full at the moment)

*my dental work is done -- our bank account is sad :(
*i am in the process of becoming a master anal gland expresser
*i remember nothing that i've learned in the past 3 years
*i don't mind wearing grown up clothes as long as i can wear baggy-ish cords at least once a week... which i can
*satchel has diarrhea of unknown origin. poor satchel. poor herschel for getting up 3 times last night and slipping in it. poor both of us for cleaning it up all the time. but mostly poor satchel
*i hate looking for green polos more than i will hate wearing them
*clostridia look like wee tennis rackets under a microscope
*i don't eat right
*ever since i've started working, i appreciate beer more
*on my second day of work, i accompanied a distressed dog to uga who proceeded to crash on me in the backseat and die. it was a bad second day. (r.i.p sir drake)
*i'm pretty sure i'm going to win poker (again) on saturday
*while private practice has never appealed to me, i'm learning to appreciate it.
*i've eaten a lot of swiss cheese in the past 3 days
*my new favorite breed of dog is the golden doodle (golden retriever/standard poodle mix).
*i'm very pale and pasty. this girl needs some sunlight.
*i looked for otodectes all day today but i got nothing...

*i'm sending happy thoughts to emily who said good-bye to daisy on march 1st :(