what have i learned in the past five days? that's an excellent question.
* i lose things. easily. the first day i lost a pen, my calculator and my stethoscope. while i'm not too worried about the first two, the latter has me severely stressed out and i've kind of become obsessed with finding it. i scare april.
* i miss herschel
* high point, nc has a ginormous chest of drawers with a couple of socks hanging out of it. it's as big as house
* i seriously can't remember things i've learned in the past 3 years.
* i like raleigh.
* i am out of shape. i've been running twice since i got here and my ego deflated.
* nc state's vet school seems nicer than uga's and they are getting a new one in the next 5 years. we are getting a new one in the next century...maybe
* i miss herschel
* i have rediscovered that a bagel with honey peanut butter makes a decent meal when you need it to.
* i was told that i am the emergency magnet
* when i first got here, i was told that i was the only student on emergency but then one other student showed up. that's something i guess.
* still missing herschel
* your dad will make fun of you. that's his job sometimes
here's some names of patients i've seen this week: this is probably more for my benefit than yours so that i can try and remember what i've seen but it's my blog so i'll do what i want and you can skip it if you want. suckas ( i don't know why i'm saying sucka so much, i just am. deal)
puddy - hepatic lipidosis
bebe - gastric ulcers
rascal - can't remember
muffin - probably a brain tumor
ayla - infectious hepatitis
snoopy - acute renal failure
molly - lymphoma
zac - encephalitis and meningitis
big fat grey cat that got advantix instead of advantage ( shaky twitchy fat cat is how i knew him)
and i'm having trouble remembering now so i'm going to go learn some things.

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